Social Activities
Social Activities

It has been shown that keeping the mind active in later life can lead to as much as a fifty percent decrease in the risk of memory loss. Therefore, the provision of a weekly programme of activities supported by up-to-date knowledgeable professional staff should be a priority in our care establishments. To support this the Social Activities Forum plan workshops, networking sessions and future training proposals for those involved in this valuable work. All workshops and networking sessions are organised, delivered and evaluated to meet the specific needs of the delegates. The Health Promotion Unit has continued to provide the Forum with guidance and support for these events which strive for a more effective and best practice based service across all care homes.

The Forum’s aim is to develop and strengthen the provision of social and reminiscence activities and resources for the Island’s elderly people who no longer live independently and to enhance the quality of life for both residents and staff.

Workshops organised include:

Reminiscence – with Ragroof Theatre Company


Seated Exercise

Person Centred Care

Thrive – Using Gardening To Change Lives’

Temps Passé – Jersey Memories

Sharing Sensory Skills

Only last week a resident was looking at a book of photos called Jersey Then and Now and found a photo of his father directing traffic, which thrilled him.

Jill Eldred: Read On – Chat On project.

Discovering new ways to stimulate someone with dementia can be satisfying, and may enable those around them to think differently about their caring role

Alzheimer’s Society

Activity is essential to us all. To be active is to be involved in life and to have people to see, places to go and things to do.

Activity is at the heart of care for older people
Art in Health Care Settings…
Art breathes life into what can feel like impersonal spaces. We have exhibited art work in locations including the General Hospital, Rosewood House and Overdale. Read more
Music in Hospitals tours...
Over 180 concerts are programmed throughout the year using musicians specially selected for their wide repertoire and skills in communication. Read more
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